21 April 2009

St.Petersburg Spring Grand Prix 2009

Well, sometimes every person has strange crazy ideas. I've got one of such in late January while browsing Internet in search of some interesting shows for upcoming year. Why not St.Petersburg? I've dreamed for years for a chance to visit this fabulous city, legendary capital of Russian tzars since Peter I and up to those crazy Bolsheviks who liked Moscow more. As I have no car or even driving license, and Lithuanian international trains don't accept dogs unless you pay for 4 human tickets instead of one, there was no much chances to get there. But there is THE LUCK. So, we are going to "Piter" with Lauryna's Lhasas and Uraganas afghans!

...::: THE CITY :::...

First impression in St.Petersburg - one of my all-time favourite music band plays here!!! Yeah, they will never come to Vilnius....

XIX century house - our apartments for 2 night is inside :)

What to say about Piter? You should spend here minimum a week even for just walk about 15% of it's Center streets... The best word for descripe it's old city part is "Grandeur". Probably it would cover about 20 such "villages" as Vilnius. We was lucky enough to stay in the city heart just 5 meters from Nevsky avenue, Anichkov bridge, and Fontanka river. Well, maybe it's because I've never lived in REALLY big city - but I was amazed... You should be brave enough even for crossing that Nevsky ave in rush hour - we was there on weekend and it was overcrowded with cars...

Anichkov bridge on Fontanka river

I had not so much time for true discover of that city. It's windy and cold in April, and absolutely fantastic at night. Life burns in it's central part day and night. And for sure you should spend here a couple of months or even longer to understand, to feel, to know it. But... you can fall in love with that city in a hour.
...::: THE SHOW :::...

Haute Couture Tik Romantika:
excellent at Grand Prix Int Show under V. Shiyan (Ukraine)
excellent 3 at Whippet Speciality under S. Gladstone (USA)

Whippet speciality had huge entry of 40 whippets, bit less at Int Show (max for Lithuania is 20-25). We hadn't any special results this time. Anyway, there was some really nice whippets, especially some bitches from Petersburg (they had 90% of american lines in their breeding and possess some very nice features).

Gella 28 months old

...The Prisoner itself...

...::: THE SKY IS THE LIMIT :::...

Well, we won nothing. But our travel mate Lauryna Rubikaite made this weekend great with her lhasa apso male "Sky"
MultiCh MultiBIS MultiSBIS
St.Petersburg Spring Grand Prix 2009
under Mr. Shamil Abrakimov (Russia)
It was a kind of feeling to see your country and travel mate winning over all superb Russian dogs including Russian top winning Afghan Hound Polo's Top Gear and all others. It's Sky's 22nd BIS...
...::: GRATITUDES :::...
Goes to:
Lauryna (Lauryna's Lhasas),
Arvydas (Uraganas Afghans)
and Jurga with her Afghan Bond -
for inviting us to join this trip and for great company :)
and to
Raminta EHRN - for making all this possible for me :)))

1 comment:

Lauryna said...

Aciu Tau uz kompanija, buvo labai smagu! Buckis Gellai.